Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Kansai Family - Sakumi meets Alan

Sakumi asks for the matchmaker's help.

Hello... it is I Sakumi again. I have been very lonely recently and I had heard about the wise old matchmaker woman. I thought that perhaps she could find me a soulmate... and a father for Depp. I have come to terms with the fact that even though I love Depp's father very much, I will never see him again. So I called up the matchmaker and paid her a large sum of money in the hope that she would find me a good man.

Tee hee hee (oh no I'm giggling again and I look foolish).

She introduced me to a man named Alan. I must say that he is a very handsome man with a kind face and the most amazing green eyes. When he looked at me I felt like he was seeing right into my soul. I must say with embarassment that he made me giggle like a school girl. He made me feel like I have not felt for a very long time... since I was with Depp's father in the springtime under the blossom trees.

Really... I never kiss on the first date.

I must say that this is not something I would usually do, but I kissed him. Well he kissed me rather... but I guess I did not push him away. And we had only just met. What would my mother say? There was just something about the way he looked into my eyes. It made my breath catch in my throat. And then he had his hand gently on my waist and drew me towards him. His mouth was so close I could feel his hot breath and then his lips were on mine. I pulled away rather hurriedly and asked him to leave. He seemed quite upset but he left and I regretted immediately that I had sent him away. I hope we can meet again.

Seriously Claudia... I'm sick of hearing you talk about school... what do you think of pirates?

Depp has been spending a lot of time with the young girl Claudia Stanton. I get the feeling that he would rather be doing something else but Claudia keeps coming around to our house. I think that maybe she likes him but Depp is always complaining about how annoying she is. Oh well. At least he is busy. I am trying to be busy too but all I can think about right now is Alan. I really do hope he still wants to meet me again.

(NB: Sorry for a once again terribly short post but I didn't take enough photos for those three days. I guess when you are getting a family established (especially one as small as the Kansais) not a lot happens. But I promise, there are lots of exciting things in store for them).


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