Saturday, September 30, 2006

Stanton Family - Trent grows up (sort of)

Hey... we're trying to have a conversation here.

Hi there... you are interfacing with Allegra here (sorry... a bit of a computer geek joke there). I just thought maybe it was time I introduced myself and told you a bit about my weirdo family. First of all, it really sucks that we have no money cause we can't afford a computer and I am feeling seriously technologically disadvantaged right now. I mean, I have just totally disappeared off the face of the planet as far as my online friends are concerned. So not cool. And my website hasn't been updated for yonks. Did I mention I really hate this middle of nowhere, slow internet connection (if I had a computer) hick town. Oh well. At least some people are having fun. Like my twin sister Bella. Man, I am so sick of her snogging that pimped up boyfriend of hers. I mean... I don't not like Tosh or anything (although his haircut is really lame and he tried a bit too hard) but I don't think he's the right guy for Bella. Bella's got dollar signs in her eyes. She wants a guy who will buy her stuff and possibly get a high-paying job. Tosh doesn't even seem like the type to being going steady to me anyways. I swear everytime Bella isn't looking, Tosh is checking out my butt. Sigh... oh well. I wouldn't mind the whole sister with a boyfriend thing if they didn't insist on making out all the time. I mean we're having a conversation with some friends and all of a sudden the feeding frenzy begins again. Blech. They could at least pretend they're listening. Tosh says he doesn't use his ears to kiss so he can still carry on a conversation with his tongue shoved down Bella's throat. I beg to differ since there have definitely been times that ears have been involved in this whole kissing thing too... I mean those kisses seem to frequently wander away from the general mouth vicinity. And anyway, you can't talk with someone else's tongue in your mouth (well not very well anyway... it would sort of come out like "munh mumb nhmb"). Oh well... I guess I should probably stop ranting. I'm just jealous. It's true.

Trent's birthday party.

The most exciting thing that has happened recently is little Trenty (he won't let me call him that anymore... says it's not cool), has had his big birthday. Now he's a teenager just like Bella and me. We had a big party with lots of kids from the neighbourhood and dad. It was pretty fun... not programming fun but fun nonetheless.

I wish that I would grow up super-hot.

I don't know what Trent wished for but he had this sly sort of grin on his face. Maybe he wished we could afford a computer. Hunh... that's too much to hope for. He probably wished for something stupid like a never-ending bag of lollies. Actually now that I think about it that doesn't sound half bad.

Yeah... check me out. How hot am I.

He didn't look too bad when he grew up. He sure seemed happy and wouldn't stop doing all these dumb muscle pumping actions. He said he couldn't wait to show all the ladies at school his new physique. Erg... how stupid. Maybe he has been spending too much time hanging around with that Tosh.

Trent: Romance aspiration, Cancer, LFT: Woohoo with 20 different sims, Turn ons: muscles and grey hair, Turn off: Glasses.

Trent tries to flirt with the busdriver and fails dismally.

And it was so embarassing. The next day on the bus he flirted with Wendy the bus-driver. She looked at him like he was crazy and told him to go sit his punk-ass down on the seat. Hehe... I had to laugh at that one.

So with all this romance (well sort of) flying around I decided maybe I should try to meet a cool boy. So I called up the matchmaker and paid her all the money I had saved up from my "job". I have to say I have actually been picking a few pockets... don't tell dad. Even though he is in the crime business he would hate it if he knew I was too. He doesn't even know I know he is, but hey I'm resourceful. Anyway I paid over my hard-earned cash and who does the stupid matchmaker introduce me to. Derek the paper boy. Who I already knew cause he delivers our paper every day. What use is that. And he has a stupid smile. I tried to tell him that the bright yellow jacket and hat teamed with bright white sneakers with pulled up socks wasn't exactly the best look and he just grinned at me stupidly. Great... this is just how my life is going right now. Man I need a computer. Anyway that's all for now so I better sign out. C U.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Kansai Family - Sakumi meets Alan

Sakumi asks for the matchmaker's help.

Hello... it is I Sakumi again. I have been very lonely recently and I had heard about the wise old matchmaker woman. I thought that perhaps she could find me a soulmate... and a father for Depp. I have come to terms with the fact that even though I love Depp's father very much, I will never see him again. So I called up the matchmaker and paid her a large sum of money in the hope that she would find me a good man.

Tee hee hee (oh no I'm giggling again and I look foolish).

She introduced me to a man named Alan. I must say that he is a very handsome man with a kind face and the most amazing green eyes. When he looked at me I felt like he was seeing right into my soul. I must say with embarassment that he made me giggle like a school girl. He made me feel like I have not felt for a very long time... since I was with Depp's father in the springtime under the blossom trees.

Really... I never kiss on the first date.

I must say that this is not something I would usually do, but I kissed him. Well he kissed me rather... but I guess I did not push him away. And we had only just met. What would my mother say? There was just something about the way he looked into my eyes. It made my breath catch in my throat. And then he had his hand gently on my waist and drew me towards him. His mouth was so close I could feel his hot breath and then his lips were on mine. I pulled away rather hurriedly and asked him to leave. He seemed quite upset but he left and I regretted immediately that I had sent him away. I hope we can meet again.

Seriously Claudia... I'm sick of hearing you talk about school... what do you think of pirates?

Depp has been spending a lot of time with the young girl Claudia Stanton. I get the feeling that he would rather be doing something else but Claudia keeps coming around to our house. I think that maybe she likes him but Depp is always complaining about how annoying she is. Oh well. At least he is busy. I am trying to be busy too but all I can think about right now is Alan. I really do hope he still wants to meet me again.

(NB: Sorry for a once again terribly short post but I didn't take enough photos for those three days. I guess when you are getting a family established (especially one as small as the Kansais) not a lot happens. But I promise, there are lots of exciting things in store for them).

Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Bryant Family - Tosh the ladies man

Tosh admires himself.

Well hello out there, especially to any ladies who might be reading. I'm Tosh and I guess you've already heard a bit about me from my mum. I guess you could say that the ladies like me a lot... and what's there not to like eh? I'm going to be updating you on what's been going on at my house for the last few days. A lot as you're soon going to find out.

So... Granny Pearl has been a bit lonely lately so she decided to call on the matchmaker and get some help in the lurve department. But a strange thing happened. Granny has been spending all her time with the matchmaker, Pamela and I haven't seen any gentleman callers.

Granny Pearl with the matchmaker.

They even go out to dinner with each other at the fancy botanical resteraunt in town.

So... how about that local sports team.

You know what... I have a sneaking suspicion that ole Granny is batting for the other team if ya know what I mean *wink wink*. And good on her I reckon. My mum says she's been a lonely sad person (actually my mum says crazy but I'm going to interpret that as lonely and sad) since my grandad died before I was even a twinkle in my mum's eye.

Pearl and Pamela slow dancing.

Here's a picture of me in the shower getting ready to go out and impress the ladies with my hot body. Aren't you impressed ladies? Believe me I'm even better under those pixels *grin*.

"If you want my body and you think I'm sexy" Tosh singing in the shower.

And I have met one particularly hot lady. Her name is Bella which I think means beautiful in Italian and she's definitely that. She didn't seem so keen on me at first... I think she was just playing hard to get.

Ah no... I don't think so Tosh. You're just not my type.

Which was pretty much right since she snuck out of her house and showed up at my doorstep in the middle of the night. They always come round in the end.

Hmmm... nice pyjamas.

I just threw in this pic cause my mum would hate it if anyone knew but she actually does care a lot about us kids and she works really hard to provide for us.

Stella being a good mum.

And here's a rare picture of the whole family together at the dinner table. This like NEVER happens cause I am always at parties, or Granny Pearl is out on the town or mum is at work.

The whole family.

I gave Bella a call the other day and I took her on a sweet date out to the bowling alley in town. We danced up a storm on the floor and I reckon she was pretty impressed with my awesome dance moves.

Patrick Swazye eat your heart out.

And then next to the bowling lanes I gave her her first kiss... she seemed pretty excited about it. I guess that's cause I'm such a great kisser. I think she had trouble keeping her feet on the floor. Actually I may as well be candid with you guys... it was my first kiss too. There I said it... can you keep it a secret for me. And this kissing thing rocks! I'm definitely going to get me some more of that.

I could definitely get used to this kissing thing.

And there are so many other hot ladies hanging around the neighbourhood. Like this blonde girl whose name has totally slipped my mind. It's a bit of a pain actually... Bella wanted to go steady with me and I didn't really want to but she looked like she was going to cry when I hesitated so I had to say yes. Oh well... what she doesn't know can't hurt her.

Well helloooo Blondie.

Speaking of people's feelings getting hurt I think poor little Gloria is a bit jealous of her sister Shona. You see, Shona has been very close with the little boy in the pirate outfit (I think his name is Depp... ha pretty funny name). I told her not to worry... maybe he just likes fairies better than cowgirls and there are lots of other boys out there who like cowgirls better *wink wink*. I feel sorry for her though... that unrequited love junk really sucks.

Jealous Gloria.

Oh yeah... and good ole' mum is getting some action too... with a guy who looks like he's just stepped out of the playboy mansion. Pretty smooth actually. I reckon I could learn a few things from him.

Mum getting some action.

So I guess that's all for now... until next time ladies *wink*.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Stanton Family - Claudia's Boyfriend

Hi guys! I'm Claudia Stanton and I'm the youngest of my family. My dad has probably already shown you embarrassing photos of me as a toddler. He's so humiliating. But I'm all grown up now. Soon I bet my big sisters will let me go out to parties with them. And I have a boyfriend. Shh... don't tell anyone... not even him (I haven't told him yet). His name is Depp Kansai and he is a pirate. And I'll tell you another secret... he isn't very good a computer games... not like me. I always beat him.

Ha... I win again!

I think boys are way more fun than girls. My brother Trent is pretty cool too. He even plays dollhouse with me. And he always lets me be the GI Joes.

This Commander Marson... begin bathroom raid... I repeat begin bathroom raid.

I'm so jealous of my big sister Bella. She is so pretty and guess what? She just bought a mobile phone with all the money she earned doing door-to-door polling. I want a mobile phone but Daddy says I'm too young and they're too expensive. It's not fair.

Dang... they don't have any of those red ones with diamantes left.

Actually... Trent's not that cool. He has been spending heaps of time with that red-haired fairy girl. Hmmm.... maybe she's his girlfriend. Ooooh I know a secret. I wonder if they've kissed. I haven't kissed Depp yet. We're just waiting for the right time. I read in Bella's Cosmo magazine that your first time should be special. So I guess Depp is just waiting for the perfect moment to kiss me.

Eeew Trent... now I've got mashed potato in my ear.

We don't get to see Daddy very much. Sometimes he comes home so late he just makes us sandwiches for dinner and then goes to bed. Bella and Allegra are always out too... at work or parties. And the house is so dark cause we can't afford to buy lights.

A rare chance for quality time.

I wish I was older and I could go to work and help Daddy too... he is so tired and always talking about how he needs more fun in his life. I think he should get a new girlfriend. Then he could be as happy as me and Depp.

NB: Sorry this is kind of a boring post... I realised I took basically no photos for those days of the Stanton's existence and I only play 3 days for each family (I reckon all the kids age better together that way). I promise the next post will be more interesting.

Friday, September 15, 2006

The Kansai Family - Part One

The Kansai family.

Hello, please allow me to introduce myself. I am Sakumi Kansai. I have recently moved away from my homeland Japan to Bryce Canyon. I have dishounoured my family with the birth of my son Depp out of wedlock and so they have sent me away. They are very traditional and would not accept my choices. With what money I had I have bought us a new life in this desert town. I hope that we can be happy here far from the anger of my parents.

Sakumi: Popularity aspiration, Pisces, LFT: Have 20 best friends, Turn ons: Full face paint and swimming costumes, Turn offs: Red hair.

My son Depp (named after my favourite actor Johnny Depp) is my life. I will do anything for him. Before he was born I went to a lot of parties but now I am trying to work hard to make a good life for him here. I have found a job as a dance instuctor to get some money for us. I miss my friends in Japan and Depp's father. He does not know he has a son and it is better that he does not know ever. I would not like to ruin his chance of a career and a happy life. I know I will make new friends here in this strange dry place. I hope to make lots of them.

Depp: Leo

Depp on his first day of school.

My son Depp goes to the small school here. I think he is making some friends. He seems to like a red-haired girl in a fairy costume very much. She always comes around to play with him.

Shona and Depp playing cops and robbers... or is it fairies and pirates?

Depp often has nightmares so I let him sleep in my bed. Usually when I get home from my late classes he is asleep so I do not see him as much as I would like. But it is for the best. The money I earn will pay for him to go to school. I don't think I will be able to afford to send him to college. Maybe if I work very hard.

Sakumi tries not to wake Depp.

Depp dreams about Shona.

Sometimes I wonder what the future holds for Depp and for me but I know that our paths are already written. I should not worry then, but I cannot help myself.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Bryant Family - Part One

The Bryant family.

Well hey there... my name is Stella and here is a picture of my family. I'm the one with the red hair and the gorgeous outfit. We've just recently moved to Bryce Canyon and I guess the reason is a bit of a saga but I'll get to that in a sec.

Stella: Romance aspiration, Aries, LFT: Be professional party guest, Turn ons: Fatness and full face paint, Turn off: Grey hair

First of all let me introduce my family. My oldest is Tosh. I knew his daddy when I was at school. He was my first love and my first everything else too. I didn't know much back then though and managed to get myself knocked up at the age of 16. Tosh's daddy and I don't speak these days. I guess he couldn't really cope with the thought of being a dad and so he disappeared out of my life and I raised Tosh on my own. I don't really mind though... I guess in the end we weren't really suited anyways, so it's kind of a relief not having him around.

Tosh is a lot like his daddy though... always got his eye on the ladies. He think's he's pretty hot stuff and spends most of his time hitting the clubs with his friends. He wasn't pleased about moving to Bryce Canyon, especially since he had his eye on a particular lady friend of his. Oh well... I'm sure he'll do alright. It seems there are a couple of girls his age in this neighbourhood so I'm sure he'll be able to make friends (or more than that if he has his way).

Tosh: Romance aspiration, Aquarius, LFT: Woohoo with 20 different sims, Turn ons: Stink and beards, Turn off: Glasses

Hello ladies

And then there's my twin daughters Shona and Gloria. Actually their daddy was the reason we've all moved to this complete dump. See... their dad was the mayor of our old home town... a very prestigous man. And I was the maid at his mansion. Now... one thing led to another and I guess we ended up caught in a torrid love affair. You see... he was married. I'm pretty sure that his wife knew what we were up to but she turned a blind eye (the amount of money and power she got from being married to him I would have too). I don't think they really loved each other anyways. Now the problem was that I got myself knocked up again. Now I guess it would have been pretty obvious to the media what had happened, a pretty thing like me swanning around the mayors house and the rumours of his wife not satisfying him. Yeah... I can definitely see what the tabloids would have said. So I was sacked and sent away. I can't blame the girls dad... I would have done the same thing in his position. Anyways... he did give us enough money to set up out here but on the condition that we stayed far away. That suits me fine... it was just a fling anyways. You may say it's a bit sad for the girls not getting to know their daddy... but hey I never knew mine and life wasn't meant to be easy. They'll get along somehow I'm sure. Here's some photos of them.

Shona on her first day of school.

The one with the same beautiful red hair as me is Shona. She inherited her daddy's eyes though... blue as the sky. She'll be pretty when she grows up though.

Shona: Aquarius

Gloria on her first day of school.

Her twin sister is Gloria. You could never tell they were twins by looking at 'em... completely opposite. I guess Gloria got her daddy's hair and my eyes. Funny how things work out that way isn't it. She's a feisty little one though got a personality as big as all out doors. Reminds me of myself when I was a girl.

Gloria: Leo

And that just leaves my mother Pearl. I guess she went a bit crazy when my daddy died and all she has really cared about since then is having fun. A bit of a shame really. Sometimes I think I have been more of a mother to her than she has to me. She likes to play with the kids though and takes care of them sometimes so I guess that's kinda good.

Pearl: Pleasure aspiration, Aries, Turn ons: Formalwear and underwear, Turn off: Cologne


So... quite a bit has been going on since we moved here. I got a job as a golf caddy... not really what I want to be doing, lugging around golf clubs for richies but hey... I need the money. And I met this guy who lives in town. His name is Chip and he is really hot. He asked me out on a date and took me to a posh resteraunt in town. I have to say I was impressed.

So... how much money do you make?

I guess we got pretty close throughout the course of the night.

How can I gaze into your eyes if you're wearing sunnies?

Okay, okay really close.

Quit trying to gaze into my eyes and kiss me Stella.

And then I saw him, a well dressed tall dark handsome man, just like in all the romance novels.

Well hello there Mr Big.

I don't think Chip was to happy about the situation but I couldn't help it... I was totally transfixed by this stranger.

Hey... you're on a date with me!

I guess Chip forgave me when I took him home later that night and showed him our hot-tub.

Stella shows Chip the hot-tub.

And I finally got to see him without his sunnies on.

Stella shows Chip her bed.


Chip and Tosh boogie on down.

Hmmm... I don't know what is going on with Chip and Tosh. Poor Tosh, he thought Chip was just inviting him to do the smustle.

Gloria looking slightly disturbed.

Gloria looks as though she's seen a ghost... or maybe it was just Tosh and Chip dancing the smustle that disturbed her.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Stanton Family - Part One

Hey guys. So... I have sort of got sidetracked a bit cause I read about the Prosperity Challenge and started doing that as well. So I am going to try and do both to have some variety. So this post is about my first Prosperity Challenge family, the Stantons. There are three families in my neighbourhood, Bryce Canyon. Just as an extra I have rolled for the turn ons and turn offs for sims as well and I am not going to change them. I guess it makes it a bit more random and interesting.

The Stanton Family

Hi... my name is Chip. You can see me there in the picture with my family. I'm the only one with blonde hair. I guess my kids really take after their mother with their dark hair and olive skin. Except for the little one Claudia. She obviously inherited my pasty white skin tone. I just recently moved to Bryce Canyon... a really small town in the desert. I mean really small... only two other families live there and if you want to go to the shops or anything you have to head to the city nearby. We've had a bit of a bad time lately. You see... my wife Monica passed away shortly after Claudia, my youngest (the one in the super cute frog suit... hey that rhymed) was born. It has been really tough on me and the kids since then, but gee I have to say they are such good kids. I mean... they have really come together to support each other... especially my eldest two daughters... the twins Bella and Allegra. They give me so much help with the younger ones and cheer me up when I'm feeling down. We decided to move to Bryce Canyon cause I lost my job and I guess our old town was too full of sad memories. So here we are, in the middle of nowhere, making a fresh start.

Chip: Pleasure aspiration, Scorpio, LFT: Have 50 1st dates, Turn ons: Underwear and full face paint, Turn off: Fatness

Chip and Claudia

Here's a picture of me and Claudia. She's such a little cutey and so full of fun. I have to say a bit naughty too... everytime I turn around she's off into the bathroom playing with toilet water. She and Bella are very close... it was actually Bella who bought her the frog outfit.

Claudia: Gemini

I have to admit, it's been a bit difficult starting out in a new place. I found it really hard to get a job in Bryce Canyon. I hate to say it but I've turned to petty thieving and working for some small-time crime bosses in the city to scrape by. Even with that, the house we are renting is pitifully small and rundown. The poor twins have had to go out and get jobs as well and are finding it hard to keep awake at school. I want a better life for them so much. I hope something comes along that will pull us out of this rut.

Chip tells Sakumi about why they moved to Bryce Canyon.

I have made a few friends... some from downtown which is quite a way away, but one is from this small town. Her name is Sakumi and she has a young son too. I told her all about our situation and she was very sympathetic. I have to say I'm a bit attracted to her. So I asked her out on a date. It went well but she wanted to talk about weird stuff like fortune-telling the whole night and I can't say I'm really into it. I think I'm going to have to go on a lot more dates before I find the right woman for me. I'm not sure if she even exists... Monica was so wonderful I don't really know how anyone else could measure up.

You actually believe in that fortune telling stuff?

Here's a picture of Claudia eating her breakfast (after this she threw it all over the room but hey she looks cute and well-behaved in the pic).

The cutest frog ever!

Here's a pic of my only son, Trent on his first day at Bryce Canyon public school (there aren't many kids who go there I can tell you that). He's a great kid. Always happy and smiling and nice. I guess that might be the influence of having two big sisters pushing him around all the time. He has to be pretty easy-going.

Trent: Cancer

Trent on the school bus.

And here's the beautiful Bella. She really takes care of herself and always makes sure she looks perfect when she's heading off to school. She says "You never know who you might meet on the street" and I know she is thinking about finding a way out of this place and a way to make some money. I guess from being so poor for so long she really wants to have financial security. I just hope she finds some other way than mine... I wouldn't want a life of crime for my daughters.

Bella: Fortune aspiration, Virgo, LFT: Become a criminal mastermind, Turn ons: Muscles and Beards, Turn offs: Hats

Bella on the school bus.

And here is Allegra. She is smart as a whip. Always pestering me to buy a computer. We used to have one when things weren't so tight and she was always glued to it. I have to say it worried Monica and I. She was always talking about hacking this and downloading this. I just hope she doesn't get caught by anyone for doing these illlegal things. Maybe it's a good thing we don't have a computer at the moment. Allegra is pretty keen on money too... I guess she's going to make it through computers somehow... I just hope it's legally.

Allegra: Fortune aspiration, Sagittarius, LFT: Become a criminal mastermind, Turn ons: Beards and brown hair, Turn off: Underwear

Allegra on the school bus

I'm not the only one making friends... Trent is getting a long great with a little girl called Shona who always wears a fairy costume. I think her mother is from the other family in the neighbourhood.

Didn't you know fairies always carry guns.

Before too long it was Claudia's birthday. I can't believe how fast the kids are growing up. We didn't have enough money to afford much of a party but we managed to buy a cake and the whole family (well not Monica... sniff) were there to celebrate. I'm sure Monica was there somehow... looking down on us and celebrating too. She would be so proud of the kids.

Claudia's birthday.

Make a big wish little Claudia.

Here is a picture of Claudia on her first day of school. I'm sure she won't have any trouble making lots of friends with her big happy smile.

Claudia on the school bus.

So that's all from me for now. I guess I'll see you next time. Thanks for listening to me rabbit on about my family for a while.