Stanton Family - Trent grows up (sort of)
Hi there... you are interfacing with Allegra here (sorry... a bit of a computer geek joke there). I just thought maybe it was time I introduced myself and told you a bit about my weirdo family. First of all, it really sucks that we have no money cause we can't afford a computer and I am feeling seriously technologically disadvantaged right now. I mean, I have just totally disappeared off the face of the planet as far as my online friends are concerned. So not cool. And my website hasn't been updated for yonks. Did I mention I really hate this middle of nowhere, slow internet connection (if I had a computer) hick town. Oh well. At least some people are having fun. Like my twin sister Bella. Man, I am so sick of her snogging that pimped up boyfriend of hers. I mean... I don't not like Tosh or anything (although his haircut is really lame and he tried a bit too hard) but I don't think he's the right guy for Bella. Bella's got dollar signs in her eyes. She wants a guy who will buy her stuff and possibly get a high-paying job. Tosh doesn't even seem like the type to being going steady to me anyways. I swear everytime Bella isn't looking, Tosh is checking out my butt. Sigh... oh well. I wouldn't mind the whole sister with a boyfriend thing if they didn't insist on making out all the time. I mean we're having a conversation with some friends and all of a sudden the feeding frenzy begins again. Blech. They could at least pretend they're listening. Tosh says he doesn't use his ears to kiss so he can still carry on a conversation with his tongue shoved down Bella's throat. I beg to differ since there have definitely been times that ears have been involved in this whole kissing thing too... I mean those kisses seem to frequently wander away from the general mouth vicinity. And anyway, you can't talk with someone else's tongue in your mouth (well not very well anyway... it would sort of come out like "munh mumb nhmb"). Oh well... I guess I should probably stop ranting. I'm just jealous. It's true.
The most exciting thing that has happened recently is little Trenty (he won't let me call him that anymore... says it's not cool), has had his big birthday. Now he's a teenager just like Bella and me. We had a big party with lots of kids from the neighbourhood and dad. It was pretty fun... not programming fun but fun nonetheless.
I don't know what Trent wished for but he had this sly sort of grin on his face. Maybe he wished we could afford a computer. Hunh... that's too much to hope for. He probably wished for something stupid like a never-ending bag of lollies. Actually now that I think about it that doesn't sound half bad.
He didn't look too bad when he grew up. He sure seemed happy and wouldn't stop doing all these dumb muscle pumping actions. He said he couldn't wait to show all the ladies at school his new physique. Erg... how stupid. Maybe he has been spending too much time hanging around with that Tosh.
Trent: Romance aspiration, Cancer, LFT: Woohoo with 20 different sims, Turn ons: muscles and grey hair, Turn off: Glasses.
And it was so embarassing. The next day on the bus he flirted with Wendy the bus-driver. She looked at him like he was crazy and told him to go sit his punk-ass down on the seat. Hehe... I had to laugh at that one.
So with all this romance (well sort of) flying around I decided maybe I should try to meet a cool boy. So I called up the matchmaker and paid her all the money I had saved up from my "job". I have to say I have actually been picking a few pockets... don't tell dad. Even though he is in the crime business he would hate it if he knew I was too. He doesn't even know I know he is, but hey I'm resourceful. Anyway I paid over my hard-earned cash and who does the stupid matchmaker introduce me to. Derek the paper boy. Who I already knew cause he delivers our paper every day. What use is that. And he has a stupid smile. I tried to tell him that the bright yellow jacket and hat teamed with bright white sneakers with pulled up socks wasn't exactly the best look and he just grinned at me stupidly. Great... this is just how my life is going right now. Man I need a computer. Anyway that's all for now so I better sign out. C U.